801 G Street NW Washington, D.C. 20001


add your name to declare

Every Black Life Matters.

No matter your color, age, sex, or religion, please add your name to our letter going to former Vice President Joe Biden & Senator Kamala Harris. 

Dear Vice President Biden and Senator Harris,

At the heart of Planned Parenthood’s mission and business model is eugenics and racism. And the data proves it:

Nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities can be found within walking distance of minority communities. Moreover, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute has conceded that the abortion rate for Black women is almost five times the rate for white women. The tragic fact is today in New York City, more Black babies will be aborted than are born.

Every day, in Planned Parenthood clinics across America, their abortionists end the lives of 360 Black babies.

The time has come to stop defending Planned Parenthood and to declare that EVERY BLACK LIFE MATTERS.

If you are serious about ending violence and racism against Black Americans and “Building Back Better,” then it’s time for you to end your affiliation with the biggest perpetrator violence against Blacks.

Join us and tell Planned Parenthood to stop ALL killing of children in the womb. 

Add Your Name To Declare Every Black Preborn Life Matters.

    Notable Signers.

    • Rev. Dean Nelson
    • Hon. Mack Jackson
    • Hon. Katrina Jackson
    • Hon. Kay James
    • Hon. Monica Spakrs
    • Dr. Deborah Honeycutt
    • Dr. John Diggs
    • Bishop Wellington Boone
    • Mr. Benjamine Watson
    • Mr. Chris Broussard
    • Bishop George McKinney
    • Dr. Alveda King
    • Dr. Deborah Owns
    • Bishop Vincent Matthews
    • Dr. Freda Bush
    • Bishop Joseph Garlington

    Click here to view all 100+ prominent signers

    Frederick Douglass

    Our Letter To Planned Parenthood.

    Read our letter to Alexis McGill Johnson – Planned Parenthood Federation of America.