801 G Street NW Washington, D.C. 20001


Our history

About Us.

What is the Frederick Douglass Foundation?

The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a public policy and educational organization which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today’s problems.

Frederick Douglass


The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a national education and public policy organization with local chapters across the United States which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation.

We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today's issues with the assistance of elected officials, scholars from universities and colleges and community activist.


Act as liaisons to Black, Faith Based organizations, Conservative candidates, party and elected officials.

We will reach out to educate the social, cultural, spiritual, and civic rights needs of our nation.

Train political workers, volunteers, and candidates as leaders in the political arena.

Provide tools for improving the economic status of the individuals, families and businesses within the targeted communities, thus, enhancing the quality of life.


Members of the Frederick Douglass Foundation believe: We live in a land of liberty where natural rights of individuals precede and supersede the power of the state. We are a constitutional republic in which government power is limited and employed for the purpose of providing legitimate public goods rather than for the benefit of insiders and narrow interest groups.

We believe in the free market in which persons, individually or collectively, have the natural right to sell goods and services to willing buyers, and in which the individual pursuit of economic opportunity benefits all.

We are a free society where citizens solve social problems not only through government but also by working together in families, neighborhoods, churches, charities, and other private, voluntary organizations.

We're inviting you to partner with us.

 With a mission to improve lives through activism and leadership, we teach the faith-based leaders and political volunteers to make a difference and impact the black community as a whole.